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Michigan Seal of Biliteracy


Cedar Springs Public Schools offers the opportunity for students to earn the Michigan Seal of biliteracy. The seal is awarded at high school graduation to students who demonstrate proficiency in two or more languages (usually English and one additional language).

Given the global nature of most career paths, this seal is a designation that sets students apart in recognition of highly sought-after skills of speaking, listening, and writing in many languages.

View our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more details about this opportunity and the path to qualification. World language teachers, high school principals, and high school counselors will help students navigate the process for qualification. Please reach out with questions about this opportunity. 

Stats of Michigan Seal of Biliteracy at Cedar Springs

  • Four (4) seniors qualified last year as Juniors (20-21 school year)
  • The first two students to receive the Seal was in 2019
  • Since 2019, Thirty (30) students have received the Seal!

Courses offered at Cedar Springs Public Schools

  • French 1-4 
  • Spanish 1-4 
  • AP Spanish
  • English Learner Language Courses


Student Testimonials