Please take notice the Board of Education of Cedar Springs Public Schools, Cedar Springs, Michigan will conduct a Regular Meeting on Monday, Feb. 10, 2025, at 6:15 p.m.
The following information is provided for persons interested in attending the meeting or commenting during the public forum portion of the meeting:
DATE OF BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING: Feb. 10, 2025 PLACE OF MEETING: Cedar Springs High School, 5212 17 Mile Road, Cedar Springs, MI HOUR OF MEETING: 6:15 p.m. CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION: 616-696-1204 EMAIL:
To address the Board of Education during the public comment item on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting please do one of the following:
Complete an audience communication form located just outside the Boardroom and give the form to the Board President or designee prior to the start of the meeting
In writing to the Board of Education, 204 E Muskegon Street, Cedar Springs, MI 49319
When addressing the board during public comment state your name, address, and comments (limited to three minutes).
Additional information:
Audience time is not intended as a forum for public debate
Questions raised may require further investigation
The board will wait until its next meeting before responding to comments
If you are an individual in need of assistance, an auxiliary aid, or service to participate in the meeting, please contact Scott Smith, Superintendent by email or call 616-696-1204 prior to the meeting.
School-related problems should be discussed with the employee closest to the problem (teachers, support staff, principal).
If questions still remain, please contact Scott Smith, Superintendent. If you feel further action is required, submit your concern to the Board of Education by following the instructions above.